One week to go!! As we’re cramming to get our classes squared away, buying our last pieces of gear, and going over the fundamentals of sailing, we’d like to take a moment to thank those who have helped us get here:
First, a huge thank you to Zhik Sailing Gear, which generously donated shorts and shirts, as well as extending a significant discount on equipment to our team.
Also to SailFast, which has given our team a discount on attire and provided sailing shirts for on the boat.
Finally, our thanks to Sound Boatworks, which donated hats to us. We are extremely excited about this trip, and we thank you all for helping us make it all possible.
Finally, our thanks to Sound Boatworks, which donated hats to us. We are extremely excited about this trip, and we thank you all for helping us make it all possible.
Check back next week, we will be updating often from France!
-Jake G