About Us

The 2011 Bruin EDHEC Team is comprised of current undergrads and recent alumni of the UCLA Sailing Team. The UCLA Sailing Team is a small group of active, dedicated, and passionate students who compete in the Intercollegiate Sailing Association on 14ft Flying Juniors and continuously qualify for the Pacific Coast Championship. The team is a club sport; although we come from one of the world’s best public institutions, we do not receive enough funding to exist without member dues and personal donations. Practices are held two to three times per week at the Marina Aquatic Center in Marina del Rey.

This website highlights our participation in the Course Croisière EDHEC (CCE) - the largest student run sporting competition in Europe. The CCE is an annual event organized entirely by students of the EDHEC Business School in Lille, France. The week-long regatta takes place each Spring in the chilly French Atlantic waters.

Check out http://www.bruinsailing.org/ for more information on the team and http://www.ccedhec.com/ for more information on the French regatta.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Volcano Trouble

It seems Mother Nature has thrown us a curveball, which in this case seems to be a volcanic eruption in Iceland. apparently the volcano has been active for the past month or so, although not in any capacity for the news to travel all the way to us Americans. That is, until yesterday evening when a significantly larger eruption spewed ash into the atmosphere. Since then, the ash has been migrating across Northern Europe and disrupting hundreds of flights arriving or departing in this area. At the moment, six of our eight teammates are in limbo at LAX awaiting word of when their flight has been rescheduled to. The remaining two teammates, Richard and Eric, will be joining them tomorrow with bunches of sailing gear and optomism that we will make it to Brest in time for check in on Sunday morning!