About Us

The 2011 Bruin EDHEC Team is comprised of current undergrads and recent alumni of the UCLA Sailing Team. The UCLA Sailing Team is a small group of active, dedicated, and passionate students who compete in the Intercollegiate Sailing Association on 14ft Flying Juniors and continuously qualify for the Pacific Coast Championship. The team is a club sport; although we come from one of the world’s best public institutions, we do not receive enough funding to exist without member dues and personal donations. Practices are held two to three times per week at the Marina Aquatic Center in Marina del Rey.

This website highlights our participation in the Course Croisière EDHEC (CCE) - the largest student run sporting competition in Europe. The CCE is an annual event organized entirely by students of the EDHEC Business School in Lille, France. The week-long regatta takes place each Spring in the chilly French Atlantic waters.

Check out http://www.bruinsailing.org/ for more information on the team and http://www.ccedhec.com/ for more information on the French regatta.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PHOTO Installment Two: Sailing Sailing Sailing

More photos!?!?!? You better believe it.

We headed to the Village bright and early to take care of our registration, licenses, weigh in, food pick up, etc.  The international teams were all put up in a summer camp/dorm style lodging about a 15 minute (beautiful) walk from the Village.

First stop was the International Tent where the organizers gave us these amazing sponsor shirts with Edhec Business School on the front and our UCLA Sailing Logo stitched on the back. SO COOL! 

We were one of 5 schools officially sponsored by Edhec (next post will have photos from the function they put on for us)

At 2pm there was a practice race to get familiar with the boat and get a feel for how starts and races would work for the rest of the week.  There wasn't much wind to start out so the race was postponed for a bit, but that worked out well for us as we needed the time to experiment with new positions due to Eric and Richard not making it to the race.  The easy winds helped us get familiar with our responsibilities in a stress-free environment, which really helped us when the wind picked up later.  The practice races went well but we knew we had a lot of work to do the rest of the week.

The next morning we walked to the village bright and early, but it was a gorgeous day and luckily, thanks to the volcano, we had relatively good weather all week--much warmer than was forecasted (which worked out amazingly for us!)

The boats all lined up and eagerly awaiting their crew!